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The 2025 Biennial King International Nursing Group Conference

Theoretical Perspectives Addressing Conflict Resolution in Healthcare

Wednesday, November 6, 2025


Thursday, November 7, 2025

Co-sponsored by the KING group and the Indiana University School of Nursing, Indianapolis, Indiana

Keynote speaker: Interim Dean Dr. Janet Carpenter of the IU School of Nursing

Janet Carpenter


The 2025 Biennial KING Conference

Theoretical Perspectives Addressing Conflict Resolution in Healthcare

Wednesday, November 6 & Thursday, November 7, 2025

Co-sponsored by the KING and the Indiana University School of Nursing

Indianapolis, Indiana

Keynote speaker: Interim Dean Janet Carpenter of the IU School of Nursing

The King International Nursing Group invites abstracts for in-person or virtual presentations that apply any theoretical perspective within practice, education and/or research that applies to the conference theme that addresses conflict resolution in healthcare.

This will be an inspiring forum for all nurses (clinicians, researchers, educators, administrators, nurse practitioners, theorists, and undergraduate and graduate students) to celebrate nursing knowledge development through clinical, theoretical, and research presentations.




  1. Compare and contrast the relevance of King's Conceptual System and related theories for 21st Century Professional Nursing practice.
  2. Analyze the effectiveness of King's Conceptual System and related theories in 21st Century Professional Nursing Practice.
  3. Evaluate the effectiveness of King's Conceptual System and related theories in improving patient care in 21st Century Professional Nursing Practice.




Studies in progress and completed projects will be reviewed for either virtual or in-person presentations. Submissions by students are welcomed. Each presentation will be a virtual or in-person presentation of 30 minutes.


  • All abstracts are to be
    • no more than 300 words,
    • double spaced,
    • Times New Roman 12 font, and
    • submitted in paragraph format with title centered in upper case font.
  • After the abstract
    • three learning objectives must be noted and
    • in-person or Zoom presentation preference must be stated.
  • Abstract to be prepared for blind review (without personally identifiable information), accompanied by a cover letter with applicant’s contact information.
  • If there is more than one author, please identify the corresponding author.

Please submit via email to Stacey Marye, Vice President of the KING, at Please feel free to email Dr. Marye with any questions you may have.


Submission deadline: June 30, 2025. 

Notifications will be sent via email on a rolling basis as abstracts are reviewed.

Presenters (at least one of the authors of the abstract) are required to register for the conference and pay the nonrefundable registration fee [Registration forms and other related information are available at].




                                     ARE YOU USING IMOGENE KING'S WORK OR SCHOLARSHIP
                                        RELATED TO IMOGENE KING IN YOUR SCHOLARSHIP?

If so, please make sure that you include your email contact in the publication of your work. Otherwise, other scholars cannot reach you.

Please send a citation of your research or publication to clseibfl@gmail so that it can be disseminated with the K.I.N.G.

Thank you.


                                                    2025 Research Conference

President Diana Newman announced that the King International Nursing Group has begun to plan our next nursing theory conference which will take place in early November 2025 in Indiana. We plan to host the conference before the 48th Biennial Sigma Theta Tau International Nursing Conference. Call for abstracts and registration details will be available in the next few months. In person and virtual (zoom) presentations and attendance will be available. Please mark your calendars and plan to submit an abstract and attend the conference.



                                                     2023 Research Conference

Program and photos now posted on the website.

Login, Click on Documents, Click on conference 2023.






                                                           CONFERENCE DOCUMENTS

The Program for the 2023 Research Conference has now been added under Documents, Conference 2023. In the future, additional materials from other conferences will be added. Check the Documents list for updates.


                                         RESEARCH INSTRUMENTS AVAILABLE UNDER DOCUMENTS

Research instruments, developed within Dr. Imogene King's framework, theory or theories developed from Dr. King's work are now posted on the members-only part of the web site, under Documents, Instruments for Research.

Instruments will continue to be posted as they are submitted and approved through the Board-defined posting process.



A revised Blogging Procedure has been added to the website's Documents. Please click on Documents in the home page menu and then click on KING Procedures, KING Organizational Procedures to find the document. We hope to see your blog up soon! If you have any questions about blogging on the site, please do not hesitate to contact Nancy Loos (, our blogging expert.




    Click on Documents for a Powerpoint presentation by Southwestern Vermont Medical Center

King’s Conceptual System & Theory of Goal Attainment: Leading the way for the Nurse of the Future




                           Your scholarly work, related to Imogene King's work, is needed to be
                                 submitted to the Virginia Henderson Global Nursing e-repository

(NOTE: If you plan to submit something to the e-repository, please contact Diana Newman at so that she can facilitate the process. 
NOTE FROM DR. NEWMAN: This is just a reminder that any items submitted to me for the Virginia Henderson Library (VHL) repository must not have copyright issues, that is, they should not have been published before they are submitted to VHL. VHL cannot violate copyrights held by other entities.)

The King International Nursing Group has just established an Events collection on the Virginia Henderson Global Nursing e-repository so that abstracts and slides from our biannual conferences can be included on the e-repository.

We are also hoping to establish another collection, associated with the K.I.N.G., that would include all documents/scholarly efforts that use Imogene King's work and related theories. As a result, I am writing to encourage you, your colleagues and any nursing students to consider submitting their work to this e-repository. It is a wonderful way to, without cost, disseminate one's work globally. Submission can include, but are not limited to:

Pre-print article* (The draft of an article that has been submitted to a journal, but not peer-reviewed or edited.)

Post-print article* (The version of an article that has been submitted to a journal, peer-reviewed and edited.)
As-published article* (The version that appears in the print and/or online journal.)


DNP capstone project/paper


Class Project

Committee Report

Research Study Report

Dataset (raw data from survey results, etc.)**

Faculty Created Learning Objects

Presentation Papers and/or Slides

* Authors are responsible for determining the version allowed for deposit by the publisher/journal prior to submitting it to the Henderson e-repository. See the Sherpa/RoMeo database.

** All data must be scrubbed of personal information prior to submission."

(Sigma Theta Tau International, 2017, FAQs. Retrieved from

The following is a link to their author information page  (Author Assistant Page: Please remind them to add"King International Nursing Group" to the description field during the submission process so that they may be identified from other submissions. Once 100 submissions have been approved and posted, we could work on having them copied to a separate K.I.N.G. collection.

Thank you so much for your help in disseminating nurses' work related to the work of Dr. King.

Please let me know if you have any questions (




Now that you have visited this website, take a moment to consider joining. Membership in the King International Nursing Group is very cost effective, especially for students (only $15 for a year), and you can pay by credit card on this site. Keep in mind that the organization has not raised dues since we started in 2009.

Since the K.I.N.G. has international members, the newsletters are also published in Japanese, Spanish and Turkish. Being a member also gets you access to several publications that are out of print through the Documents section as well as access to experts who can answer your King questions through the blogs (both public and members only). Also, keep in mind that, if you itemize on your taxes, dues are tax deductible.

Membership Dues:


Regular Member    Annual Membership - $50.00; Life Time Membership - $500.00

Student Member    Annual Membership - $35.00

Retiree Member     Annual Membership - $35.00

Organization         Annual Membership - $100.00 (entitles the organization to two 'memberships')
Questions: contact

Ahora que ha visitado este sitio web, tómese un momento para considerar unirse. La membresía en King International Nursing Group es muy rentable, especialmente para estudiantes (solo $ 15 por año), y puede pagar con tarjeta de crédito en este sitio. Tenga en cuenta que la organización no ha aumentado las cuotas desde que comenzamos en 2009.

Desde el K.I.N.G. tiene miembros internacionales, los boletines también se publican en japonés, español y turco. Ser miembro también le permite acceder a varias publicaciones que están agotadas en la sección Documentos, así como a expertos que pueden responder sus preguntas sobre King a través de los blogs (tanto públicos como miembros). Además, tenga en cuenta que, si detalla sus impuestos, las cuotas son deducibles de impuestos.

Las cuotas de afiliación:
Membresía anual para miembros regulares: $ 35.00; Membresía de por vida - $ 350.00

Membresía anual de miembro estudiante - $ 15.00

Membresía anual para miembros jubilados: $ 15.00

Membresía anual de la organización: $ 100.00 (le da derecho a la organización a dos 'membresías')
Preguntas: contacte

Artik bu web sitesini ziyaret ettiniz, katilmayi düsünmek için biraz vakit ayirin. Kral Uluslararasi Hemsirelik Grubu üyeligi, özellikle ögrenciler için (yalnizca bir yil için 15 ABD dolari) çok uygun maliyetlidir ve bu sitede kredi karti ile ödeme yapabilirsiniz. 2009'da basladigimizdan beri kurulusun aidatlari yükseltmedigini unutmayin.

K.I.N.G. uluslararasi üyelere sahipken, bültenler Japonca, Ispanyolca ve Türkçe olarak da yayinlanmaktadir. Üye olmak, Dokümanlar bölümünde yazdirilmayan çesitli yayinlarin yani sira, Kral sorulariniza bloglar araciligiyla (hem kamu hem de üye) cevap verebilecek uzmanlara erismenizi saglar. Ayrica, vergilerinizi ayrintilariyla belirlerseniz, aidatlarin vergiden düsülebilecegini unutmayin.

Üyelik aidatlari:
Düzenli Üye Yillik Üyelik - 35,00 $; Yasam Zamani Üyelik - 350.00 USD

Ögrenci Üye Yillik Üyelik - 15.00 $

Emekli Üyeligi Yillik Üyelik - 15,00 $

Organizasyon Yillik Üyelik - 100,00 $ (kurulusu iki 'üyelik' e yetki verir)
Sorulariniz: ile iletisim kurun

                                American Nurses Association E-Membership – the most basic option

If you are not a current member of ANA, and are an RN, please consider joining ANA as an e-member. For only $45, you add your voice to the national association for all RNs. Please consider joining today.

ANA E-Membership
  • An ANA E-Membership is a virtual membership in ANA;
  • E-Membership offers some of the benefits of ANA but does not give you a discount on ANCC certifications, discounts on any ANA products, you do not receive any print copies of American Nurse Today, and you do not receive the free quarterly Navigate Nursing webinar
  • You are not a voting member in ANA.
Availability: ANA E-Membership is only available in the following locations:
Mississippi North Carolina Pennsylvania Washington, DC
North Dakota
South Carolina
West Virginia
South Dakota
New Mexico
New York
Virgin Islands
Join Now


The nurse led, nurse developed repository of the most current and accurate information about nursing discipline-specific knowledge that advances human betterment globally.

  *Summaries, with author bios, of over 40 nursing models, theories & philosophies (and growing).

  * Historical records of landmark events shaping nursing knowledge.

  * Exemplars of theory-based practice, education, research, policy and quality-improvement projects.

  * Resources for nursing knowledge development, including textbooks, organizations and journals.

  *Information about future events focused on nursing theory and philosophy.

What people are saying :

“A great resource.” “An amazing historical treasure.”

“A terrific way to advance public understanding and appreciation of
nursing knowledge.”

“A great resource for sharing ideas… I can’t wait to see the site grow and expand, reflecting the development of new knowledge in nursing!”


Facebook Link:


Welcome to the King International Nursing Group!


Founded by colleagues of Dr. King in Michigan, the King International Nursing Group (K.I.N.G.) preserves, promotes, and advances King’s work in nursing knowledge development. Using her systems theory intertwined with research, we strive to improve all aspects of nursing education, administration and practice.


Since reactivation, the King International Nursing Group has held nursing research conferences in odd numbered years. These conferences are scheduled just prior to the November Sigma Theta Tau International research conference so that members can attend both K.I.N.G. and STTI without additional travel. The K.I.N.G. conference solicits abstracts for scholarship related to nursing theory, primary scholarship related to Imogene King's work. Most recently, conferences have included both in-person and ZOOM presentations and attendance. 

Regardless of your location or area of practice, we encourage you to join the K.I.N.G. and become active within the organization. We are currently looking for members to volunteer for the following committees: Education, Membership and Nomination Committees.


We hope that you will visit this website frequently for information, suggestions and networking. Please feel free to share the link to the home page with your colleagues. If you have suggestions for how we might improve the web page, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Diana Newman, PhD, RN President (2019-2021)

Diana Newman, PhD, RN President (2019-2026)

Christina Sieloff, PhD  President (2017-2019)

Mary Gunther PhD, RN   President (2013-2017)

Beverly Whelton PhD, RN President (2011-2013)


Christina Sieloff, President (2009-2011)




DR. KING'S 1971 & 1981 BOOKS
Items have been added to the Members' Only Documents: 1) Dr. King's 1971 book - Toward a Theory For Nursing: General Concepts of Human Behavior, and 2) Dr. King's 1981 book - A Theory for Nursing: Systems, Concepts and Process. Since these books are out of print, this is a great opportunity to review Dr. King's early works. If you are not a member of the King International Nursing Group, please take a moment to join. Dues are very reasonable: 1) $35 annually, or 2) $15 annually if the member is a student or retired.

First Conference Photographs

Photographs have recently been found from the first King International Nursing Conference. (Thank you to Dr. Mary Killeen). These photographs have been uploaded to the members-only Documents section of the website. Join now ($35/year; $15/year for students and retirees) to view these photos.


KING International Nursing Group is on Facebook!


KING is now on Facebook!  Find out more by doing a Facebook search for “King International Nursing Group.” Administrator Nancy Loos encourages all KING members and anyone interested in Imogene King’s work to visit the KING Facebook page and click “Like” to help stimulate interest and spread the word. Also feel free to post information about meetings, conferences, publications, and anything else of interest to KING members. 


 The King International Nursing Group wishes to recognize and thank its Lifetime and Charter members. The Lifetime members are:  Richard Bogue, Jacqueline Fawcett, Mary Killeen, Patricia Messmer, Diana Newman and Wakako Sadahiro. Charter members are:  Barbara May, Thomas Stenvig. Without the support these individuals, the K.I.N.G. would not have reactivated as successfully as it did.

 Contact us at or

 ©2023 King International Nursing Group.