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Nurses remained the most trusted profession in the US, with 76% of Americans expressing high or very high confidence in nurses' honesty and ethics in Gallup's annual survey. Overall, public trust in professions remains historically low, reflecting a broader decline in confidence in US institutions.
Full Story:Gallup(1/13)
Save the Date!
The 2025 Biennial King International Nursing Group Conference
Theoretical Perspectives Addressing Conflict Resolution in Healthcare
Wednesday, November 6, 2025
Thursday, November 7, 2025
Co-sponsored by the KING group and the Indiana University School of Nursing, Indianapolis, Indiana
Keynote speaker: Interim Dean Dr. Janet Carpenter of the IU School of Nursing

The 2025 Biennial KING Conference
Theoretical Perspectives Addressing Conflict Resolution in Healthcare
Wednesday, November 6 & Thursday, November 7, 2025
Co-sponsored by the KING and the Indiana University School of Nursing
Indianapolis, Indiana
Keynote speaker: Interim Dean Janet Carpenter of the IU School of Nursing
The King International Nursing Group invites abstracts for in-person or virtual presentations that apply any theoretical perspective within practice, education and/or research that applies to the conference theme that addresses conflict resolution in healthcare.
This will be an inspiring forum for all nurses (clinicians, researchers, educators, administrators, nurse practitioners, theorists, and undergraduate and graduate students) to celebrate nursing knowledge development through clinical, theoretical, and research presentations.
- Compare and contrast the relevance of King's Conceptual System and related theories for 21st Century Professional Nursing practice.
- Analyze the effectiveness of King's Conceptual System and related theories in 21st Century Professional Nursing Practice.
- Evaluate the effectiveness of King's Conceptual System and related theories in improving patient care in 21st Century Professional Nursing Practice.
Studies in progress and completed projects will be reviewed for either virtual or in-person presentations. Submissions by students are welcomed. Each presentation will be a virtual or in-person presentation of 30 minutes.
- All abstracts are to be
- no more than 300 words,
- double spaced,
- Times New Roman 12 font, and
- submitted in paragraph format with title centered in upper case font.
- After the abstract
- three learning objectives must be noted and
- in-person or Zoom presentation preference must be stated.
- Abstract to be prepared for blind review (without personally identifiable information), accompanied by a cover letter with applicant’s contact information.
- If there is more than one author, please identify the corresponding author.
Please submit via email to Stacey Marye, Vice President of the KING, at Please feel free to email Dr. Marye with any questions you may have.
Submission deadline: June 30, 2025.
Notifications will be sent via email on a rolling basis as abstracts are reviewed.
Presenters (at least one of the authors of the abstract) are required to register for the conference and pay the nonrefundable registration fee [Registration forms and other related information are available at].